Home / Blog / Flywheels & Pulleys Club’s antique tractor show event returns Sept. 8

Flywheels & Pulleys Club’s antique tractor show event returns Sept. 8

Jul 22, 2023Jul 22, 2023

William L. Mack of Croghan brought his ‘composite’ tractor made from parts from various vehicles to last year’s Old Time Gas Engines, Tractors and Truck Show. Elaine M. Avallone/Johnson Newspapers

CONSTABLEVILLE — Members of the Flywheels & Pulleys Club are gearing up to host the 48th annual Old Time Gas Engines, Tractors and Truck Show.

The three-day event, featuring displays of antique power and demonstrations of lost arts such draw saws and blacksmithing, will be held from Friday, Sept. 8, through Sunday, Sept. 10, at the club’s grounds on Route 26.

Olga J. Miller, club public relations chair, said they are in need of “quite a bit of help this year.”

The club is seeking a group or nonprofit organization to help with parking, a local country band for the Saturday night dance, an auctioneer, chainsaw carver, blacksmith, volunteers for food stand and ice cream stand as well as donations of auction items.

The club is seeking organizations or groups wishing to help Flywheels & Pulleys Association Inc., stay true to their purpose — preserving the early equipment of farm, home and industry.

According to Mrs. Miller the equipment helped our country’s progress and improved the lives of “the of the people whose every day work depended on it.”

“We hope to bring our communities together with our event held annually in appreciation of these vintage gas and steam engines, tractors and other farm and home items or equipment,” she said.

The club spokesperson urged the people who have any of these items “hiding away in the attic, barns or cellars to get a display together and be a part of our mission.”

Items may be displayed for free or if people wish to donate items they will become part of the exhibit hall collection.

“We do urge you to be a part of our efforts to continue this mission,” Mrs. Miller said.

On behalf of the club’s Board of Directors, Mrs. Miller expressed thanks to all who made monetary donations and special thanks to the Northern New York Community Foundations’s Kenneth V. and Jeanette Remp Sawyer for grant funding which enabled the non profit to make improvements to the Route 26 property.

“The grant has allowed us to go forth with making our upper driveway a safe and travelable place for all concerned,” she said.

The club spokesperson also expressed thanks to V.S. Virkler & Son Inc. for the donation of time and equipment to complete the project. This year’s event will have some new displays including a big waterwheel, hay trolley, an old Marathon stone crusher and an old washing machine.

All antique engines, tractors, trucks, tools and equipment are welcome; membership is not required.

For more information, call John or Olga Miller at 315-348-6781.

Johnson Newspapers 7.1

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