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Watch This Amazing Seal Hop on a Surfer's Board and Hang Ten

Jul 25, 2023Jul 25, 2023

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Riding the waves takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to animals. As surfers, riding the waves can be an incredible experience that is difficult to describe unless you’ve done it before. The beauty and power of the waves and the wind on your face are second to none. However, for this little seal in the video posted below, he wasn’t looking to ride the wave alone.

This video takes us to the gorgeous beaches of San Diego, California. As far as our eyes can see, we are viewing blue and green-tinted water without a cloud in the sky. Truly the best day to go surfing. We see several surfers in this video up near the shore and some far out. As the video starts, we see a surfer who has been joined by a baby seal that he has named Sammy.

Sammy wasn’t looking to ride those waves alone. He thought he might as well catch a free ride. And so he slipped right onto the surfboard. After a while, he slides right off once he hits the wave. The surfer continues on, and we see this seal follow the surfer closer to shore.

Once the surfer reaches the shore, he turns around to allow the seal to come back on. The seal then hops right on and hangs ten for the rest of the ride.

©Maksym Fesenko/

This doesn’t mean hanging upside down, even though that would be quite funny if you could attempt to hang upside down on a surfboard. Let us know if you ever accomplish that so we can write a blog about that video.

Hang-ten is a surfers term that, according to Pacific Surf, can be described as “when all ten toes are literally over the nose of the board and are dangling while balancing, and riding on the front of it, thus called a hang ten.”

To be able to accomplish this is a great feat! It is said that being able to do this shows what good of a surfer you are, or the lack thereof.


Although this seal in the video posted below looked cute and cuddly, seals can weigh quite a lot. They can weigh anywhere from 230-6,000 pounds. Even if this seal in the video weighed 200 pounds, can you imagine how difficult it would have been to maneuver this surfboard with an extra 200 pounds?

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